Focusing on performance

Our Project and Performance Management Dashboard, LENS, focuses in on your business performance allowing you to monitor progress and ensure targets are met.

Harpers Lens is a suite of digital tools including a unique diagnostic process that enables you to identify constraints to growth and track activity.

Simply put, we believe what is measured can be controlled and improved.

LENS provides both a broad and detailed view of your performance. You can easily see at a glance which areas of your business have exceeded or missed their targets and then examine in detail the progress of individual indicators over time. Each indicator can be assigned to a person ensuring transparency and accountability in the workplace as individual performances can be easily reviewed.

LENS also allows for the creation of catch-up plans; time-stamped records of strategies intended to impact individual performances. Lens then allows for the effectiveness of these strategies to be evaluated as subsequent data is collected.

Contact us to find out more today.